Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back to my usual routine again

It's been awhile since I've been around here. My mornings are now busy with cleaning the doctors' offices. I clean houses for about 4 hours a weeks. We have an insurance office we clean on Friday evenings. Now, we have a "bank job", cleaning - that is - on Fridays. It was so incredibly dirty the first time we cleaned it last Friday. It took me and L & G 10 hours in total hours! I'm hoping this week will be half of that.

I started a poetry section in my "blog-it". That is a subscription blog that I write on also. At first I wasn't sure I would keep doing it, but I've found it helps me to write everyday. It is a blog where you "get paid" by those on "blog-it" that read you. One month it paid my subscription out of 5. But, it's still worth it to me, as the many comments are encouraging and most people who subscribe are writers or "wanna-be" writers.

I can send a link to anyone interested in joining blog-it. I get $20 for a referral, if someone joins for 3 months. I would only recommend that someone try it, and if they don't like it they can cancel. Don't join for the $, but because you like to write and want others to read what you write. It also feels more private, as only subscribers can read the blogs.

Any way, my life has been pretty boring since I got back from my vacation. I did enjoy the family reunion at Redbridge park near Hillgard State Park. It was fun and I liked sleeping in the tent. I did get upset when the "4 families" of Hispanic decent set up their camp 2 feet from my tent. I don't know if they were being rude on purpose, or just ignorantly, but I was a little irate for awhile. I got over it when I realized that the tent could be moved. My 2 younger sons and J.A. very willingly moved my tent to a more secluded location by the river. After that I was glad that the "4 families" moved in on me! They were having a great time and I'm glad that I didn't ruin it for them.

Clemy just had her 10th birthday party. She had a slip-n-slide (homemade) and a cookie cake. Petra also made horchata. The only thing missing was the pinata. She had about 5 friends come and they had a blast!

That's about all for now. Maybe I'll post some poetry on here from blog-it later.

1 comment:

  1. It was great to see you this weekend, and all the kids. It never feels like enough time! I'm glad you didn't let the four families bother you either! :) And you got to sleep to the sound of the river. It's hard to believe that your baby is already's cliche to say but time really does fly! :) Love you!


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