Monday, January 09, 2012

Monday with a migraine.... horse talk, fast lane and..... God's people

Mondays always seem to be exceptionally difficult for me. I woke up at 7:00 am with a migraine. It happened pretty fast, so I went and ate some yogurt and took 2 IBU before it would get unbearable. A cold washcloth on my head also helped. I caught it in time and after about 1/2 hour the headache was almost gone. I slept in till 10:00, and still had a slight headache that lasted most of the day.

I have been trying to figure out what might have caused it and there are only 2 things that I did differently. Well, maybe 3. First was that I had eaten sausage with nitrates on Saturday and Sunday and had de-caf coffee Sunday evening. The other thing was that I have been staying up too late. Well, I'm better and will keep trying to be a scientist when I get a migraine.

I have been enjoying working with my horse, Lady. We bought her in September. I have been watching natural horsemanship videos online and trying out some of the things I'm learning. She is responding well. I got off with a bad start with her because she bolted on me (I was on the ground and she was saddled and bridled, she turned and took off at a run). At first I thought it was her, but then realized that I am back to kinder-garden when it comes to horses. So, slowly, I am overcoming my fears. The last 2 times have been really good. I have mostly been working with her on the ground, but rode her Sunday (Greg rode the other older horse).

We all miss Petra and Susannah! Levi was here for a few days and I miss him too! I miss ALL our other adult children as well.  Susannah is now in Mexico with Petra.

Life is too fast for me, and I WILL slow down. I know I have more than enough time in the day to do everything, but I am really good at wasting time. Last night at the Bible study I went to this was discussed after watching a teaching-video (DVD). Also they said (I will check this out (when I have time....) that the word hospitality means to pursue strangers.

My day turned dramatically today,  as a couple of people passed my way and into my world,  that I hadn't seen for awhile. God knew that I needed both of them and I learned a lot from my experiences. 

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